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St Thomas a Becket


Get Fit & fRUIT cLUB

On Wednesdays, on KS2, all children have the opportunity to part in our free Fruit and Fitness Club.
Ms Smith runs the club from 3.15pm to 4.15pm. Each child is offered a piece of fruit before the session where we discuss attributes of the fruit such as :
What is the name of the fruit?
Is it grown it a hot or cold country?
What fruit family does it belong to?
What texture is it?
And finally...
Do we like it?

After, we take part in some indoor games such as tag, simple relays, and bench ball and end the session by taking a piece of fruit home.


I wonder if anyone can name all the fruit the children are holding. If you can, post your answer on the blog.



For more information and fun ideas and activities visit Change 4 Life

Foundation stage and key stage 1

Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9BT

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Miss F Murphy,
please email:

Key Stage 2

Mottisfont Road, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9LY

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Mrs M Harris,
please email: