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St Thomas a Becket

Year 1 Home Learning Resources


On this page  we have provided additional (optional)  Home Learning resources if you wish to use them.



creative learning at home april 2020 1.pdf



global citizenship.pdf


healthy living.pdf






thinkuknow 4 5s home activity sheet 1.pdf


thinkuknow 4 5s home activity sheet 2.pdf


thinkuknow 4 5s home activity sheet 3.pdf


thinkuknow 4 5s home activity sheet 4.pdf


Foundation stage and key stage 1

Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9BT

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Miss F Murphy,
please email:

Key Stage 2

Mottisfont Road, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9LY

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Mrs M Harris,
please email: