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19th September 2024 - Our nursery children are fantastic stewards of God's world. They have been very busy taking care of the garden, planting fruit and vegetables, organising a new bug hotel, and watering the flowers.    It is very important to be caretakers of God's kingdom   🌎🪴🌱

Nursery Being Stewards of God's Creation


7th May 2024Some photos of our younger classes praying the Rosary with Archbishop John and schools across the diocese of Southwark.

Praying the Rosary


1st May 2024Y6P pupils here are leading our Celebration Of the Word based on Mary- to help them to remember Mary throughout May. We said prayers and listened to the gospel about the Annunciation. We thought carefully about how Mary felt and what we can learn from her.

6P Celebration of the Word


29th April 2024 - A wonderful role play by Y5H today- Jesus collected their sins on earth and through God's sacrifice they were saved. Jesus then ascended to be reunited with his Father- the Holy Trinity. A wonderful interpretation of the Ascension. Well done Y5H.

5H RE Role Play


April 2024 - Our Prayer and Praise Leaders visited our youngest children today to spend some time praying with them. They encouraged them to take their time to bless themselves beautifully and think carefully about who they would like to pray for.

Prayer and Praise Leaders


 March 2024 - Key Stage 2 Stations of the Cross Assembly

KS2 Stations of the Cross Assembly

February 2024 - 3C enjoyed making guides for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Sacrament of Reconciliation


2nd February 2024 - The children of 1L were learning about Jesus' visit to Jerusalem with his parents. They role played the story from the Gospel of Luke. Jesus sat in the temple amongst the religious leaders talking, listening and asking them questions. Mary and Joseph went looking for Jesus.

1l Jesus' visit to Jerusalem


December 2023 - During Catholic Social Teaching week, year 6P had many discussions about the principle ‘preferential option for the poor’. We spoke about what it means to be poor and thought about the ways in which we could support those less fortunate than us. We decided that taking food donated by us to a local food bank would have the greatest impact. We felt really positive after doing this and understood that sometimes it is better to give than receive.

6P - Catholic Social Teaching


13th November 2023 - Diwali Day!

Diwali Day at STAB


10th November 20233C led our Remembrance Assembly and used their knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching to remind us all to be peacemakers. Beautifully, each child explained how they would be peacemakers now and in the future.

3C Class Assembly



10th November 2023Y5H enjoyed their role playing today during RHE. They acted out scenarios of feeling pressurised through spoken or unspoken means. We finished with a prayer 🙏🏻 to ask God to help us resist pressure.

RHE Role Play



 6th November 2023- Our Catholic Social Teaching displays.

Our Catholic Social Teaching Display Boards


5th November 2023 - 5H agreed that to be saints of the future they could follow in the footsteps of the saints they know.

5H Saints


5th November 20231S discussed the saints that they know on All Saints Day. They agreed that they could be saints of the future by showing love!

1S - All Saints Day


2nd November 2023 - On All Saint’s Day, 4GM quietly reflected on how they could be saints of the future.

All Saints Day Reflection



2nd November 2023 - Year 2 celebrated All Saint’s Day by writing their own prayers and praying with their class.

All Saints Day Prayers



18th October 2023 - 5A have made their own Rosary beads and taken turns throughout the month to lead their class in the Rosary.

The Rosary


13th October 2023- This week Reception M discussed the importance of the Rosary and what the beads of the Rosary mean. The children were able to identify that the cross represents the sign of the cross and showed how to bless themselves. They understood that each bead symbolises a prayer.

Importance of the Rosary


12th October 2023 - Collective worship was led beautifully in 4GM today - we were amazed by the beautiful singing! They have now chosen the next pair to lead collective worship in our class.

Collective Worship Singing


 12th October 2023 -Our Year 6 children accompanied Reception M to their first Mass as pupils of St Thomas a Becket. The children listened carefully to Fr Michael’s special message of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness.

Reception's First Mass


 10th October 2023- As it is October, 4GM reflected in the the joyful mystery of the Annunciation. The children then led us in a decade of the Rosary.

Mystery of the Annunciation


 28th September 2023 - As a Vincentian, Fr Michael was delighted to celebrate Holy Mass in school for us on the Feast Day of St Vincent De Paul. Fr Michael reminded us that when we are serving those poorer than ourselves, we are carrying out the work of God. Thank you Fr Michael.

St Vincent De Paul Mass


Foundation stage and key stage 1

Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9BT

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Miss F Murphy,
please email:

Key Stage 2

Mottisfont Road, Abbey Wood,
London SE2 9LY

Queries from parents/public
will be dealt with by Mrs M Harris,
please email: